quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2011

SLANG! (Gírias Legais)

Ace : Habilidoso, craque.
He's an ace at doing crosswod puzzles.

• Acid : As drogas ilegais LSD e Ecstasy.
He took some acid.

Airhead : Idiota, bobo.
Some airhead put sugar in the saltpot.

Baby/Babe : Querido(a), benzinho.
Let's go babe. It's time to go home.

Blue : Triste, depressivo.
This bad weather  gives me blue.

A breeze : Coisa extremamente fácil, moleza.
The exam was a breeze.

Brolly (UK) : Guarda-chuva.
Better take your brolly. I think it's gonna rain.

Buzz : Telefonema, Chamada telefônica.
Give me a buzz tomorrow.

Chat : Bate-papo.
It's good to have a chat with my friends.

Dork : Pessoa chata.
His brother is a real dork.

Dosh (UK) : Dinheiro, grana.
How much dosh have you got?

 • Dough : Dinheiro, grana.
I need some dough for the shopping.

Down Under : Austrália e Nova Zelândia.
This is my friend from down under.

Eff Off! : Cai fora!
Eff off, you're annoying me!

Fox : Pessoa atraente, gata. 
Cameron Diaz is a fox.

Freak : Fã, entusiasta.
He's a real surf-freak.

Fat Chance! : Sem chance, Nem pensar.
Do you think she'll let go? Fat Chance.

(To) Fart : Expelir gases intestinais, peidar.
Someone farted in here! Who was it?

(To) Fancy : Gostar, estar afim.
What do you fancy doing in this evening.

• Freebie : Algo gratuito, brinde.
I have hundreds of pens - all freebies.

G'Day (AUS) : ''olá'' , ''oi''.
G'day, friend.

Give me Five! : Bate aqui  na mão!
Give me five, man!

Groupie : Fã, tiete.
Her mother was a groupie when she was a teenager.

Grub : Comida, rango, boia.
Come on guys. Grub's up!

Guy (US) : Homem, cara, sujeito, galera.
Adriano's a really nice guy.

Gosh : Deus.
Oh my Gosh!

Gee! : Nossa!
Gee! I forgot all my dosh.

(To) Hang-on : Esperar um pouco.
Hang-on a minute. I'm almost ready.

Holy Smoke : Snato Deus.
Holy Smoke! What's happned to you?

Jerk :  Idiota, bobo.
You're a stupid jerk.

• Kinda : Meio, um pouco, tipo.
She was kinda sad.

• Kip (UK) : Sono, soneca.
Can I kip on your sofa tonight.

•Kiwi : Neozelandês.
There are lots of kiwis living in London.

• Lemon : Bobo, idiota.
I felt such a lemon.

• Love Handles : Pneuzinhos de gordira.
I really like your love handles.

• Man : Cara, mano.
Hey man, how are you doing?

• Marge (UK) : Margarina.
Do you want marge or butter.

• Mayo : Maionese.
Do you want mayo with your hot dog?

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